Update History

1/7/2013 Opened new pages about Colombian pre-Colombian culture.

6/20/2010 Opened new pages about Megalithic Temples of Malta

5/1/2010 Updated Japanese agates page, Colombian agates page, Newzealand agates page, and added Alaskan agate, Iceland agate, Spanish agate, Tanzanian agates

1/4 2009 Major Update of "For Sale" corner.

2/1 2008 Started to sell agates on "For Sale" corner.

1/4 2008 Opened "Pictures of Turkey" pages.

12/23 2007 Major Update! on Maya and Aztec pages, added many sites and map, added Costa Rican Stone Spheres

12/10 2007 Major Update! on Maya and Aztec pages, added many sites!

5/5 2007 Major Update! on Megaliths pages, Landscapes of Britain & Ireland pages, Agate pages

8/10 Added Japnese, Pakistan, Panaman, Bulgarian, Rumanian agates.

6/25 Added information of a new book of the web master.

4/15/20006..........Updated 'Link' page.

1/10/2006............Major update of agate pages. Added many photos of agates to many pages.

9/23/2005............Added photos of agates on Laguna Agate page, Middle East Agate page, Other European Agates page.

02/28/2005............Opened "Link" page.




09/2004................Opened the site.